Since building and maintaining personal, professional relationships is so critical to your selling success in wholesale distribution, here are 10 tips for doing just that. The tips emphasise the activities and practices that can help you build the right kind of relationships with your customers.
Though specific practices such as these can be helpful and effective tools, the basic principle here is to focus on the customer, instead of the stuff (or yourself or your company). These 10 tips offer ways to help you practice this focus. It’s all about the customer, not about you!
Tip #1: Be aware of your customers’ three personal needs/objective areas.
Tip #2: Remember the basic rules for establishing good rapport with customers.
Tip #3: Keep commitments.
Tip #4: Read and match their style: Personal first, then professional or professional first, then personal.
Tip #5: Ask open-ended questions … about them.
Tip #6: Match the customer’s pace and intensity.
Tip #7: Find out how they like to communicate and communicate that way.
Tip #8: Be observant and be honestly inquisitive about the customer:
Tip #9: Look for — and create — opportunities for off-line time together. Coffee, breakfast, or lunch are good starts; sporting events or other activities are good opportunities as relationships progress.
Tip #10: Use humor — carefully.